CAPA Fall Report 2010
Membership: 300+ members
Students: 150+ members
Individual supervisions: 140 +
In Treatment: 43 people in analysis and 30 in psychotherapy.
Technology: Oovoo and Skype for classes; OOVOO permits us to see students
in several cities at one time.
School has begun:
4 first year classes: 45 students
4 second year classes: 41 students
1 advanced course: Jerry Blackman: 21 students
1 advanced Child course: Ann Price: 6 students
Students from the following cities:
Beijing, Dalian, Chengdu, Wuhan, Nanjing, Ning Bo,
Zhengzhou, Shanghai, Shenzen, Chongqing, Qingdau, Hangzhou
Chinese institutions providing classrooms and equipment:
Institute of Mental Health, Peking University
Peking University Department of Psychology
Tsinghua University
Eastern China Normal University
Shanghai Mental Health Center
West China Hospital, Dept. of Psychiatry, Sichuan University Medical School
Tongji University
South West University for Economics and Finance
Wuhan Zhong-de Hospital
WuhanHospital for Psychotherapy,
Chengdu CAPA Association
We are currently organizing a Two-year Advanced Training Curriculum
Administrative Director: Ariela Bareket hit the ground running and has not paused for breath --
Tour: 26 people went to Beijing, Xi’an, Chengdu, Shanghai, Wuhan and Kaifeng. There was an academic program in each city consisting of lectures, case presentations, individual consultations and supervisions. CAPA members met in person with their classes, patients, and supervisees.
CAPA Beijing Meetings: a variety of venues in Beijing
Sunday, Oct 24
CAPA at the IPA in Beijing: Freud & Asia: Evolution and Change in the Asian Context
CAPA members attending the conference:
Monisha Akhtar, Cecile Bassen, Joseph Bobrow, Paula Christian-Kliger, Annaik Feve, Lana Fishkin, Ralph Fishkin, Horst Kachele, Lea Klein, Fred Levine, Laurie Lovell-Simons, Ramon Mon, Maurice Preter, Lee Rather, Elise Snyder, Leonie Sullivan, Drew Tillotson, Chao-Ying Wang
If you are attending and not listed, please contact
CAPA Members will present these papers:
Monisha Akhtar: Cross-Cultural psychoanalytic practices in cases of a Chinese and Italian patient
Cecile Bassen: Panel Discussant: Women & Psychoanalysis: Reflections East and West
Joseph Bobrow: Presence of Mind: On Mentalization, Mindfulness and No Mind
Annaik Feve: Neuroplasticity & Post Traumatic Somatization: A Psychoanalytic Point of View.
Lana Fishkin, Ralph Fishkin, Fred Levine: Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy in China: Education and Treatment
Using Distance Learning Modalities
Lea Klein: Separation-Connection: From Breaking Point to Growth and New Life
Laurie Lovell-Simons: Balint Group Workshop
Ramon Mon: Dreams of a Truncated Bonsai
Lee Rather: Importing Psychoanalysis to China: The Function of Critical Pluralism as a Container
Elise Snyder: The Shibboleth of Cross-Cultural Issues in Psychoanalytic Treatment
Leonie Sullivan: Balint Group Workshop
Drew Tillotson: Transcultural Intersubjectivity: The Relational Unconscious between East & West
Chao-Ying Wang: Cross-Cultural psychoanalytic practices in cases of a Chinese and Italian patient: